angry emoji driver

Road Rage and Aggressive Driving Behavior

You’re running late for an appointment and hit a traffic jam. Or maybe someone cuts you off. How do you respond? Driving can be stressful, but feeling angry when behind the wheel could lead to aggressive driving, distracted driving or even an accident.

What Is Road Rage?

Aggressive driving can take many forms, like tailgating, weaving and speeding. It happens a lot: One survey found that nearly 80 percent of drivers expressed significant anger or aggression behind the wheel at least once over the course of the prior year. The consequences can be serious: Aggressive driving played a role in 56 percent of fatal crashes over a five-year period, according to one analysis.

Here’s what to know about road rage, including tips on staying calm and what to do when confronted with an aggressive driver.

worried emoji driverRoad Rage Factors

Here are some common factors that often contribute to road rage incidents or aggressive driving behavior.

  • Traffic delays
    • Heavy traffic, sitting at stoplights, looking for a parking space or even waiting for passengers can increase a driver’s anger level.
  • Running late
    • Running behind for a meeting or appointment can cause drivers to be impatient.
  • Anonymity
    • If drivers feel that they probably won’t see other drivers again, they may feel more comfortable engaging in risky driving behaviors like tailgating, cutting people off, excessive honking or making rude gestures.
  • Disregard for others and the law
    • Some drivers may think the rules don’t apply to them.
  • Habitual or learned behavior
    • For some drivers, aggressive driving may be the norm.
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exasperated emoji driverMost Common Forms Of Road Rage

  • Tailgating
  • Yelling
  • Honking in anger
  • Making angry gestures
  • Trying to block another vehicle from changing lanes
  • Cutting off another vehicle on purpose
  • Getting out of the vehicle to confront another driver
  • Bumping or ramming another vehicle on purpose

happy face driverHow to Avoid Road Rage

Make sure you have the right car insurance policy to protect yourself from aggressive drivers or if you find yourself the victim of a road rage incident.

Before You Get Behind The Wheel

  • Don’t rush. Give yourself time to get where you’re going; you’re less likely to become impatient and take unnecessary risks.
  • Cool off. If you’re upset, take time to calm down.

What To Remember When Driving

  • Give other drivers a break. If someone is driving slowly, keep in mind they might be lost.
  • Use hand gestures wisely. Keep gestures positive—say, waving to a driver who lets you in when merging.
  • Don’t tailgate. Always keep a safe distance from the car in front, no matter how slowly they might be driving.
  • Lay off the horn. Honking out of frustration won’t solve any problems; it will just increase the stress level for everyone on the road.
  • Don’t stop to confront another driver. Stopping could lead to a dangerous situation for everyone.

If Another Driver Acts Aggressively

  • Stay away. Safely change lanes, gradually slow down or even exit the highway to keep a safe distance from the aggressive driver.
  • Don’t reciprocate. Ignore the temptation to respond to the other driver; it could cause the situation to escalate. Don’t make eye contact.
  • Don’t stop. Stopping could lead to a person-to-person confrontation, which could be dangerous.
  • Watch your back. If you’re worried that the other driver is following you, keep your doors locked and drive to the nearest police station.

Taking a defensive driving course could help you stay safer on the road; it could also qualify you for a discount on car insurance. Search for a course near you at

Read more: Distracted Driving: Here’s Why You Should Pay Attention

1 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
2 AAA Foundation For Traffic Safety
3 Insurance Information Institute
Get GEICO Auto insurance.

    Leave a comment

  1. Chuck H says,

    Political solutions have a very poor track record for success. If laws enforced slower traffic to move to the right, car pool lanes would not be necessary.

  2. Martha says,

    My husband loves to honk at other car drivers for most any reason. Going slow, in the fast lane holding up traffic or using the the carpool & not having the right number of people in the car. If I say anything he always I worry to much. & if I say anything about road rage he. Just ignores me. It gets nerve racking.

  3. jose says,

    I like to be truthful I’m a driver in the streets of texas have you ever been on the fast lane and a car is going slower than speed limit too me it common sense faster cars in the far left slower cars right side And if you see someone behind you and no one in front of you move to the right .

    How about left lane for passing only big sign that says that I follow that but when there’s a ( slow ) car on left side going super slow and not moving to right it’s like man common sense, was I the only one that read the texas dps handbook

    Sorry if other people are offended about what I put but I have too be truthful it’s one thing too right CALM DOWN be in the situation then right what happened really!

  4. Andre Johnson says,


    I use #2 a lot, I love it, it makes driving so easy for everyone.

  5. Nathan says,

    Retired from the military of 37 yrs I’ve seen road rage all over the world. It begins with the lack of being patient and having common courtesy. Every vehicle is equipped with turn signals, most states mandate it. Distractions of all kinds. When behind the wheel, it’s easy to just do what you need to arrive safe. Slow down, nothing is worth your life unless you’re truly saving someone. Less drivers under 21 would be a big help as well as age limit on the elderly, I drive my mom every where cause I want her to remain safe. Also being tired driving is just as bad as drinking. There’s so much to live for and enjoy ourselves, driving is a joy.

  6. stan hemphill says,

    If another driver exhibits road rage, try to do all the things the article explains. Then remember all the details and call 911. Let the police handle the road rage so that the perpetrator is caught and prosecuted. I am sure the police will respond appropriately. We all do NOT have to be submissive, just smart! Be safe not sorry.

  7. Royce Kono says,

    I see it every day in peak hour traffic, angry & impatient faces. Blocking intersection, men & women speeding erratic lane changing LMAO People we live on a little rock in middle of Pacific ocean. Where are you going in rush hour traffic?

  8. thomas cooper says,

    I drive for a living and would like to inform other motorists of something that they might not be aware of.
    It’s the sensors installed in the road at traffic lights that sense a vehicle is there so the light will change for you. Usually a square outlined in road Sometimes a line that you should be up to that would put you in that zone.
    Seen many people go into a rage waiting behind a driver that doesn’t know this

  9. Frank Bon says,

    As a law enforcement officer for over thirty years I have witnessed far too many incidents and accidents due to drivers bringing their wounded and frustrated emotions behind the steering wheel. A bad day in a persons life such as family, work or financial problems needs a level headed calm down period before hitting the roadways. If you can’t find enough concern towards getting behind the steering wheel and possibly injuring yourself, think of all the innocent children in vehicles, walking on the streets and sidewalks, and in school zones. Never mind zooming passed a stopped signaling school bus. Driving aggressively and emotionally sooner or later ends up in tragedy that many people will have to live with for the rest of their lives. So, think about it, before you getting into that two thousand pound missile on wheels. As hard as it might be, try to calm yourself down and work through the thought process of your problem before you drive that car. Aggressive drivers usually have deeper issues working in their lives. Consider that, and if you come across their path during the course of your day, just move away from them, give them their room, give them a blessing and you will have a very happy day!

  10. James says,

    We need to stop making excuses for these “people” who engage in road rages. The roads belong to everybody and if they cant handle that and go into these rages, they don’t belong in society! Its that simple!

  11. Donna says,

    Another thing that irritates me are people not using their turning signals. I.don’t trust them completely but a heads up is nice. Defense driving is a must and signals. help.

  12. Joyce says,

    Truck drivers that can see into vehicles tell me that 90% of drivers are texting after all the warnings. The National Safety Council claims texting is equal to having 2 alcoholic beverages.

  13. james collandra says,

    Young drivers often fall prey to these dituations by creating them.there is no place behind the wheel for acts of plain inconsideration leading to and jeopardizing safety for all those on the road.I’ve seen quite a bit in my 38 years of driving andcan only say that safety enforcement ‘hones’good and courteous driving skills.i say that from experience.

  14. Mr. Angus Smith says,

    I think that people who are texting causes just as many accidents and some due get angry when you pass them and then they become a problem

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