Protecting Your Home From Burglars

Remember Home Alone, where the hapless intruders are chased away by Macaulay Culkin’s clever booby traps? You don’t have to go quite that far to make your own home unappealing to burglars, but a little preparation is a good idea.

According to the FBI, there were on average more than 3,000 burglaries a day throughout the country in 2019.

To keep your home off the books, help protect it with these simple tips:

Keep Your Front Entrance Clear

The FBI reports that more than a third of burglars enter through the front door. How can you discourage them? Keep your entrance free of shrubbery or furnishings so your neighbors can clearly see everything that’s going on. And make sure the entrance is brightly lit at night.

Install Screen Doors At The Front And Back

It may look decorative, but a solid locking screen door can dissuade criminals, who want to get in and out as quickly as possible. Your main door should be solidly built and reinforced, with a deadbolt that makes it harder for crooks to get in.

Secure Your Windows

Make sure your windows are double-pane glass, which is not only harder to break into but can also make your home’s heating and cooling more efficient. You can protect your windows by putting plants or furniture underneath them inside your house. No burglar wants to climb onto a cactus.

Keep Your Lights On A Timer

Automatic timers that switch your house lights on and off create the illusion that someone’s home even when you’re away. For the backyard, try a motion-sensor light.

off, ask a neighbor to collect your mail and clear away fallen leaves, which, to observant criminals, is a sign that nobody’s home.

Install a Security System

Whether you opt for a subscription monitored service or a plug-and-play system you can install yourself, having an alarm system and security cameras you can monitor from your mobile device is a smart move. Install alarms on every door and window that is conceivably accessible from the outside. And don’t underestimate the agility of a motivated burglar; even your second-story windows can be scaled with a ladder, a nearby tree, or simply by free-climbing up the side of the building. Place cameras at all entrances and opt for systems that automatically send you mobile alerts when movement is detected.

Don’t Advertise Your Vacation

Save the social-media updates about your Caribbean cruise until after you’ve returned. Letting the world know you’re about to leave your home unattended is an invitation to strangers who may be listening in. Before you set

Whether you’re a homeowner or a renter, get extra peace of mind by having the right home insurance policy. If you’ve taken steps to protect your home, like installing a monitored alarm system or deadbolts on your doors, you might even qualify for a discount.

By Sam Song



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