3 Tips To Optimize Your Work-From-Home Life

In this new work-from-home world, it’s easy to get distracted. You’ve never stood up in your cubicle, stretched, and felt the need to do a load of laundry, have you?

From listening to your neighbor (who decided to start a remodeling project in the middle of the day) to answering your child’s questions while they’re attending “school” in the living room, there’s no shortage of distractions when it comes to working from home.

At GEICO, we know how easy it is to get distracted at home. Here are three tips to simplify your work-from-home life.

1. Stick to a Schedule

Working from homes gives you a lot of flexibility, but maintaining a regular schedule will help with your work-life balance. If your hours are 8 to 5, start at 8 so you can stop at 5! Have your computer booted up, have your coffee brewed, be ready to start your work day.

Tip:  Consider a split schedule or block schedule.

Is your partner also working from home while the kids are distance-learning? A split-schedule, or what is also known as a block schedule, could help you divide up the day and work from 8:00 a.m. to noon and then take over for your partner who has been watching the kids in the morning. Or, you may even want to split up the days of the week, with one person focused on the kids all day while the other works. Remember, whatever you choose, consistency will help the whole family stick to a schedule.

2. Set Boundaries

If you do have other adults and kids at home, you’ll need to set clear boundaries with your time. For example, let’s say you start working at 8:00 a.m. Let your family know you’ll be available during your first break of the day (say, around 10:00 a.m.) and then again at lunch time. Setting clear boundaries in advance will limit daily interruptions, reinforce a routine, and help you stay focused.

Tip: Create a visual cue when you are busy working.

A closed door or pair of headphones can be a visual cue for when you are busy with work—especially if you have kids at home. Visual cues can also be something as simple as a fun sign that your kids create to hang on your office door, or even tape to the back of your computer screen.

3. Schedule Breaks

Speaking of breaks, make sure to take scheduled breaks throughout the day. No one is ever at their 100% best if they aim to be productive all of the time. Try to fit in some exercise during your daily breaks. Take the dog for a walk, or your children to the local playground. No matter what you plan on doing, be sure to get off the screens and get outside.

Tip: Download an app to remind you to take a break!

Need help reminding yourself to actually stop working? There’s an app for that. (Several, actually!) You can now download apps that remind you to take a break, stretch, exercise, and even drink more water. So take a moment to check out which apps will work for you!

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