You’ve been driving for a while, alone, and start to yawn. Your eyes get heavy. Suddenly, your head snaps up and you realize you dozed off for a millisecond.
Think it can’t happen to you? Think again. Within any 30-day period, about one in 25 drivers over the age of 18 reports having fallen asleep while driving, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
More Fast Facts About Drowsy Driving
- The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that drowsy driving leads to 100,000 police-reported crashes each year, resulting in 1,550 deaths, 71,000 injuries and a $12.5 billion cost to the economy.
- Adults between 18 and 29 are the most likely to drive while drowsy (71% vs. 52% for 30- to 64-year-olds, or 19% for those aged 65 and over), according to the National Sleep Foundation.
- People with children are more likely to drive while drowsy than people without children (59% vs. 45%).
6 Ways To Stay Alert On The Road—And Keep Safe:
- Sleep sufficiently. The National Sleep Foundation recommends getting between seven and nine hours of sleep per night.
- Stay engaged. Chat with your passengers or sing along to some tunes. Before driving, pick a playlist (or podcast) that will rev you up. If you’re talking on the phone, use hands-free.
- Pair up. When traveling long distances, taking turns behind the wheel allows you to rest without putting your trip on pause.
- Get some air. Roll down your windows for a blast of air and consider looking for a safe place to pull over to take a 20-minute nap. If you’re on the highway, the stimulating sounds of the rushing wind can also help keep you alert.
- Catch up on your reading. Audiobooks can help keep your attention—try an app or a local library for audio titles before you go.
- Take a break. Get out and stretch, use the restroom or get a snack every 100 miles or 2 hours.
Learning defensive driving techniques can help you become a better driver and earn you a discount on car insurance. Visit GEICO’s defensive driver discounts section for more information.
Next: 7 Bad Driving Habits to Avoid
Illustration by Sébastien Thibault
Video Animation by Heather Van Gilder
Voice-Over by Steven Scott
Eric Singh says,
1: Too many people depend on coffee to keep them awake and alert during long-distance driving. While coffee MAY keep them awake a little longer, it DOES NOT keep them alert.
2: The Defense Driving Course, offered by numerous agencies throughout the country, should be a mandatory requirement for renewal of the Driving License. It should also be mandatory for anyone applying for a Driver’s License for the first time, irrespective of the prior training received.
3: Drivers on long-distance trips should make more use of scenic routes. It’s a naturally refreshing activit5y.
(Eric Singh, Retired Assistant Principal, NYC Department of Education)
Resty BALUYOT says,
I blow my harmonica when starting to get sleepy. It usually works. But when reilly truly sleepy, the only option is to pull over and rest.
Dali Burgado says,
Wow! Pretty interesting way to stay alert! LOL Thanks for sharing.
Norris Clarke says,
Thanks for the reminder, it is really an eye opener, because Driving Drowsy its like drinking too much ALCOHOL. Remember be pro-active and respond at the first sign of Drowsiness.
Les Hottovy says,
While driving long distances….I always have a caffeine beverage to sip on…diet sodas are my preference…along with eating salted sunflower seeds in the shell. You will need a “shell spit cup” to spit the shells into while eating them.
The combination of a constant activity, breaking the sun flower seeds with your teeth, eating the seeds, spitting out the shells, and sipping on diet coke to wash it all down has benefitted me for over 20 years when driving long distances. I used to get drowsy…but learned this technique from an over the road truck driver…and I have never had a problem of dowsing off while driving when doing this little trick
Patrick Brenden says,
Sunflower seeds (in the shell) have been my secret weapon. Works like a charm. I keep a bag in the door pouch in each of my cars.
Jo-Ann Draime says,
I read article about drowsy driving.
I have something I’d like to add…
Many people have no idea they have sleep apnea, which is very treatable. It requires a sleep study. .
Secondly, how aware is the public of two rare conditions called NARCOLEPSY & CATAPHLAZY?
GEICO TEAM, PLEASE DO YOUR RESEARCH on these 2 dangerous conditions, as it can go undiagnosed for several years. Sometimes these are found separately by accident, or because a person just happens to have an observant specialist, as a Nuerologist.
I know laws are different in every state.
Please contact N.O.R.D., an organization that deals with many thousands of rare medical disorders. They can tell you all you need to know. Or a community hospital usually has a sleep specialist, such as at Providence Hospital in Mobile Alabama. The Director s name is Dr.James Hunter.
I’m not going to name anyone, but I do know there’s no law against driving here as long as a person is following the rules given by the doctor. Also, both conditions are extremely rare but can develop out of nowhere, causing deadly vehicular accidents. Worst and most rarely is when a person has been diagnosed with both conditions together.
I don’t like to drive in rain or fog or at night, since as I’m getting older, I know common sense says there are more risks.
However, some people don’t use common sense, because they have other conditions or behavior disorders. ….They won’t even heed warnings from those close to them.
It’s complicated, but I truly hope you take my letter very seriously. Feel free to contact me here, but in case someone reads my mail, just ask me to call you regarding my personal letter .I’ll know what it’s about.
Thank you for being my Auto Insurance company.
Sincerely, A concerned customer
Dali Burgado says,
Thank you, Jo-Ann! I’ve heard of Narcolepsy but not Catphlazy. We appreciate your loyalty to GEICO, and thanks for the information!
Spafford says,
Eating an Apple has worked well for me – of course, not a substitute for the other measures.
Charkes Schoell Jr says,
During winter driving I carry 3 days of freeze dried food, water, a stove and fuel, a sleeping bag, extra cloths inculing coat glove boot socks ans layer clothes. I also carry tools, bulbs, bets, essential fluids, flares triangle markers as well as flashlights and headlight, but most importanly disposable urinals. WHY all this, just break down once during a storm on a rural or moutainus road. I plan tp walk away instead of being a statisic, and I have most of these items in bags set for summer and winter need and it’s remarkably easy to to.
JT says,
Eat sunflowerseeds while
Driving the use of your brain and thinking about getting the seed out of the shell keeps your brain busy therefore awake. I Do it all the time!
Dean Denney says,
Good comments
Sam Chaudhuri says,
I fully agree drowsy driving is extremely dangerous and must be avoided by all means. Do not allow yourself to fall into sleep while driving. Do whatever options are available to you to gid rid of drowsiness. Open the windows and get fresh air to breathe (inhale and exhale) loudly or sing a song (not listening to music in the radio), or talk with yourself until you find a resting center to stop your car. Take a nap for almost 30 minutes.
You will not believe , you will feel very fresh after you will wake up. If possible, take a cup of coffee or tea after you wake up. Take breaks every 100 miles of driving and take a nap for 10-20 minutes, if needed.
You will definitely avoid a fatal auto accident, if you follow your own ground rules based on above discussions.
Life is very precious, it is very important that we protect our life from auto accidents.
Dali Burgado says,
Indeed, Sam. Thank you for the tips.
armana says,
When I am driving long distances, I take a nap if I feel sleepy. After that I feel refresh and can drive for 2-3 hours. It is amazing how sleep overtakes you, the brain goes numb and one loses control.
Don says,
I only need a 3 second nap. When you are driving down the freeway at 70MPH and nod off for 3 seconds that really wakes you up.
Warsameh Bured says,
it is very DANGER to become drowsy esp. When u are tired safe u self and the others, so u have pull of for a short nap then wash your face and haed a cold water then u feel fresh again!!!
Randall Hunt says,
Best way I’ve found to stay awake while driving is sunflower seeds, or any kind of seed or food that you have to concentrate on. Seeds are the absolute best, since you have to work the shell apart, forcing your brain to stay active. The seeds, themselves, then provide the energy needed to sustain both the activities of driving, and eating the seeds.