15 Car Cleaning Tips

So, your car has seen better days. The upholstery is looking a bit worn, and the once-shiny windows are now…well, not so shiny. Sure, you could take your car to a professional cleaner—or you could save your money and spruce things up yourself. Here are our top car-cleaning hacks.

1. Before any scrubbing or wiping, start by cleaning out your car of any trash, loose change or other items you have stored in it.

2. Use a firm bristled toothbrush and an all purpose cleaner for cleaning crevices.

3. For even tougher spots that require a little more elbow grease, use a flat head screwdriver with a cloth over it to clean out small crevices.

4. Use a foam paint brush to clean dust out of vents.

5. For hard to clean scuffs, a magic eraser is your best friend.

6. To get pet hair off seats, spray seats lightly with water and then use a plastic squeegee to scrape away the hair.

7. Use a small handheld vacuum to clean up debris throughout the car.

8. To clean upholstery and floor mats, make a simple solution of laundry detergent and water to spray on and then scrub.

9. For hard to get out stains in upholstery, use a scrubber attachment on your power drill.

10. Clean your pedals using a different brush that you won’t use elsewhere to clean. Think of all the stuff you’ve tracked in the car!

11. After scrubbing out cup holders, use silicone cupcake liners in them to help keep them clean easily.

12. Clean your windows using vinegar and newspaper.

13. Make a DIY air freshener by soaking a clothespin in some essential oils and clipping to your vent.

14. Help keep your car clean by having a cleaning kit with wet wipes and microfiber cloths in the glove compartment or center console.

15. Avoid trash building up by having a reusable cereal container or tote bag in the car to use as a trash can.

Make sure you and your vehicle are covered for anything that happens on the road. Visit geico.com for a quick auto insurance quote today!

Keep reading…5 Cleaning Hacks for Your Home



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