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Surprising Things That Can Damage Your Car’s Paint

Your car’s sparkling finish made it through the salt, sand and harsh temperatures of winter. But your car’s paint faces year-round hazards. According to Autoblog, a car with faded paint and a dingy look sells for 10-20 percent less than an otherwise identical vehicle that just looks nicer.

Start with a good coat of wax, then be on the lookout for these common problems:

Parking Under A Tree

Trees may provide shade, but they also produce sap and can drop twigs or branches on your car on a windy day. Your best defense is to make sure the paint is waxed. If you find tree sap on your paint, get some bug and tar remover from your auto parts store to dissolve it. Then, rinse and wax the area again to remove any residue.

Bird Droppings

Without going into the science of bird droppings and their reactions with paint, you can just trust us that it can wreak havoc. When a bird mistakes your vehicle for a giant portable toilet, the best thing you can do is remove it quickly. A wet cloth will usually do the trick, but be careful to wipe with a lifting motion so that you don’t grind it into the paint.

Gasoline Drips

You know the gas station rules: No smoking at the pump and don’t touch anything in the restroom (although that’s more of an unwritten rule.) But spilled gasoline isn’t just a safety hazard, it can cause long-term harm to your paint.

To prevent stains and rust, avoid topping off your tank, and clean up any accidental drips immediately.

Writing In The Dirt

Using your finger as a writing utensil to draw “Wash Me Plz” in dirt isn’t as harmless as you think. Dirt can act as sandpaper when dragged across your vehicle’s paint, leaving the writer’s message behind permanently.

To avoid this, get your car washed frequently to eliminate abrasive dirt from your car’s surface. Light scratches can sometimes be removed with polish or scratch remover after the car is clean.

High Speed Bug Collisions

Bugs hitting your windshield on the highway are gross, but relatively harmless. The real problem is the bug that makes your paint its final resting place. They are extremely acidic, and not easy to remove. Have your car washed regularly. For the most stubborn guts, use bug and tar remover as soon as possible.

Washing Your Car With A Dirty Sponge

We’ve suggested washing your car frequently, but be sure to do so carefully. Using dirty sponges or towels can do more harm than good.

Some older automatic car washes still use abrasive brushes rather than a soft cloth, which can scratch the paint. Another safe bet is a “touchless” car wash that uses high pressure water jets to clean your car.

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    Leave a comment

  1. Wayne says,

    Thanks for providing excellent tips on the care of our vehicles. It was obviously above and beyond an insurers’ responsibility and that makes it even more special.

  2. David Bird says,

    I detail cars as a second job. I can tell almost 95%+ of people do not take care of their cars paint. First as a detailer automatic car washes are your cars pain worst nightmare 2nd to not washing their cars at all. Dirt and grit, even in soft cloth washes get imbedded in the “cloths” and scratch the paint. Wash by hand with a dedicated car shampoo by hand or a laser car wash. Also wax is not always the the best to use unless you plan to wax once a month because that’s about how long it lasts. A sealant is a better choice and usually lasts up to 6 months and usually has UV protection to help prevent fading from the sun. A proper maintenance is to polish your car about every 6 months to get rid if swirls and light scratches followed by a sealant and then if you want a wax to help the car shine. If you are not one to wash and Polish your car yourself have a professional polish and seal your cars paint every 6 months if not every year.

  3. Hemen Mehta Phx says,

    I’m big believer of parking at last spot. It gives me some walking and my car is at least protected on one side by getting door hit from next car.

  4. Brian Van Horn says,

    The best way to remove tree sap from your car is not using bug/tar remover.
    Buy a small bottle of clear hand sanitizer. You will be shocked at how well this works!
    Bug/tar remover does not do the job. Take if from me I live in Vermont among
    many pine trees. Put a small drop or two on a clean cloth and rub lightly in a circular motion. Wipe off any residue. It will not harm your paint.
    Try it you will be amazed.

    • David Bird says,

      You say it won’t harm your cars paint. It will. Hand sanitizer had alcohol in it. I am a car detailer and we use a diluted alcohol solution to help remove old wax and sealant from the paint before polishing and applying new wax/sealants. When using hand sanitizer you are not only removing the sap but are removing wax and probably some of the clear coat on the paint. Prolonged use with start to strip the paint.

  5. Mike says,

    what to use on your car’s paint?
    wax vs polish?
    cleaner vs no cleaner in the product?
    Have a brand name you would recommend?

  6. Ernest Miller says,

    Never wash your car with dishwashing liquid as this will degrade the clear coat. To protect your paint, use only car wash solution designed for this purpose.

  7. JIm says,

    I had to read a lot of stuff before I came to someone who said he got a car cover for 30.00 and it protected his car and kept it clean. This is the best advice. Although it is troublesome to put it on and take it off there is nothing other then a garage that will protect you cars finish and for that matter glass and interior. I live in the desert there is no wax I know of that will protect a car from the sun. I use a more expensive custom car cover and it is well worth the cost of replacing the cover because of sun and blowing sand damage rather then replacing the car.

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